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SFQ Adults

“Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.” Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

Be a role model for your children and younger sisters and brothers. Aside from the direct benefits you will obtain on your physical and mental health by participating sports on a regular basis, this will also influence your family to start a healthy lifestyle at any age.

Adult sports classes at SFQ Sports Academy include:
Tennis: mix classes
Kickboxing: Ladies Only and Mix Classes
Taekwondo: Ladies Only and Mix Classes
Swimming: Ladies Only and Men Only Classes
Zumba: Ladies Only and Mix Classes
Yoga: Ladies Only and Mix Classes
Ballet: Ladies Only Classes

Class Schedules

Kickboxing Ladies Only
Location: GharrafaSunday and Tuesday6:00 PM
Twice a week8 Sessions600 QR
Ballet Ladies Only
Location: GharrafaMonday and Wednesday5:00 PM
Twice a week8 Sessions650 QR
Swimming Men Only
Location: GharrafaMonday and Wednesday7:30 PM
Twice a week8 Sessions600 QR
Tennis Adults Mix
Location: GharrafaSunday and Tuesday6:30 PM
Twice a week8 Sessions650 QR
Swimming Ladies Only
Location: GharrafaSunday and Tuesday7:30 PM
Twice a week8 Sessions600 QR
Taekwondo Adults
Location: GharrafaSunday, Tuesday and Thursday6:00 PM
Thrice a week8 Sessions600 QR
Yoga Adults
Location: GharrafaTuesday and Saturday5:30 PM
Twice a week1 month480 QR